Monday, December 13, 2010

Yoga Helped Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie's Marriage

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have pretty hectic schedules on top of parenting duties for 6 kids, so it makes sense that they'd need to relax and connect together once in a while. Apparently they do just that by practicing yoga together with a man named Guru Ram Lalji.

Brangelina (Bauer Griffin) A source told Now magazine: “They’ve been practicing his Siddha yoga and they start and end the day by chanting a sacred word he’s given them. It’s transformed their relationship – they’ve both cut back on drinking and no longer argue.”

Brad and Angelina are not the only couple to practice yoga together. It was recently revealed that David and Victoria Beckham have developed an interest in the relaxation technique and attend regular sessions together.

A source said: "Victoria and David do power yoga classes for couples for an hour about twice a week. It's a very intimate experience. You have to learn to become one entity entirely. You stretch, breathe and move as one - it's great for couples and probably better than talking in a way. They started taking the classes about a year ago and it's astonishing how in tune with each other they are these days."

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